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Clients Success Stories


Hear What Ignite Members Have to Say!

Ignite helped me fully understand how our bodies function from a nutritional level.

Not only did I learn skills that can be implemented long term, they were also sustainable (ie. carbs are not your enemy!). The workouts were functional and easy to follow and brought the clear understanding of how to reach that goal to build sculpted muscles."

~ Mary A.

Learning the skill of nutrition, as well as how to train my mind, is WITHOUT a DOUBT a lifestyle...and the BEST decision and investment I have ever made for myself.

I've strugggled with my weight (mentally and physically) my entire life. When I hit rock bottom I went on fad diets, shake systems, and even more dangerous medicinal and restrictive measures. It wasn't until I found my teacher and coach Rachel, that I finally started to have some confidence and control over my life. I am still a work in progress, but feel incredible thus far and can't wait to KEEP ON GOING!"

~ Robin D.

If you want to grasp the truth and confidence, learning from Rachel is the key.

I not only gained scientific knowledge that makes sense, but gained the confidence to believe these truths as well. Learn how to track what you eat, work out properly, and get rid of all the past lies that made you feel like a failure. It will finally change your relationship with food! Rachel is an excellent motivational teacher."

~ Tobie S.

The transformation over the last 12 weeks both outwardly and inwardly has been more than I could've ever hoped for!!

Finding Rachel was like finding a needle in the sh*t pile of trainers out there!!!"

~ Allison K.

For the last several years and particularly during the pandemic, food had become wrapped up in emotion.

The MindStrong Ignite program gave me the skills to take emotion out of it and enjoy food again. This program provides flexibility and workability in real life which is critical for long term success."

~ Amy

At 66 years old, I want to believe this will work, but, after decades of yo-yo-ing...I just don’t.

Over 35 pounds down while I eat the foods I LOVE. This works for everyone."

~ S.

I'm 53 and have always worked out and felt pretty healthy. My nutrition, however, is a different story! I took food to the next level during Covid and not in a good way!

I needed a program that allowed me to eat in a way that works for my lifestyle and was easy to manage. I joined to learn about nutrition and how macros work. My experience in Ignite was fantastic. Rachel is real, raw, kind, supportive and strong. She is everything I was looking for to help me understand my eating habits and how to stay in control. Her program is built for a lifestyle not a quick fix and if you do the work you will get results! I am now MindStrong!"

~ Leanne C.

These before/after pictures do not show my biggest success. My biggest “wins” have been the changes I have made in my attitude and mind.

I no longer beat myself up or say nasty things to myself inside my head. I love my body where it is and live life, even in a bathing suit! I understand my triggers and why I sabotage myself, and have the tools to work through it all. Despite family stress, Covid stress, closing my office/retiring, a diagnosis of breast cancer, and two weeks on vacation with my grandson on a food fest, I am wearing a size 10 instead of a 16, feeling more confident and knowing I will lose the last 20lbs counting macros. I can’t heap enough praise on this program enough."

~ Cindy

I'm writing this with tears in my eyes out of gratitude for this past year.

I look at food as a source of pleasure AND fuel because I no longer feel like it is the boss of me - I now know how to fuel my body with a good balance of nutritious and yummy food to keep this going for life. I have been living this way for 11 months now and I am so excited to keep going to this next phase of getting stronger and becoming even hotter (lol!). If you had told me before I had my 2 kids that I could look and FEEL like this after becoming a mom I would have laughed in your face. I love being wrong!"

~ Arielle D.

I’m through beating myself up and I’m learning each day to love myself more.

I started my coaching with Rachel in an attempt to better understand nutrition and how it would help me achieve my personal goals. I now understand macros much better. Don’t cheat yourself, learn the macros you need to transform your life. Thank you Rachel for giving me the tools to be successful and reach my goals."

~ John T.

I'm 57, so I thought I was just going to be "fluffy" for the rest of my life.

I had tried all the things-paleo, keto, south beach-and was desperate for some nutrition guidance. Now, I am loving the way I'm looking, the new lifestyle I have, and am relieved to have found MindStrong Fitness, Rachel, and the community of support she provides. To have control over my health and fitness is spilling over into other areas of my life: I'm taking better care of myself, and loving myself more. It's not just about the weight loss. It's about being healthy as I move into my older years, keeping up with my 5 grandchildren, and looking smoking hot at my daughter's wedding!"

~ Annette F.

I can’t tell you enough how awesome it is for me to be as strong as I am at my age, 52 and 5 kiddos!

I can still keep up with all of them and be an active part of their lives! I am humbled with such blessings, and you have helped me with that final piece that brought all my hard word to fruition...nutrition. I hadn’t a clue! Thanks, Rachel...I’m so glad you taught me to ‘fish!’"

~ Wendy B.

Hear What Ignite Members Have to Say!

Ignite helped me fully understand how our bodies function from a nutritional level.

Not only did I learn skills that can be implemented long term, they were also sustainable (ie. carbs are not your enemy!). The workouts were functional and easy to follow and brought the clear understanding of how to reach that goal to build sculpted muscles."

~ Mary A.

Learning the skill of nutrition, as well as how to train my mind, is WITHOUT a DOUBT a lifestyle...and the BEST decision and investment I have ever made for myself.

I've strugggled with my weight (mentally and physically) my entire life. When I hit rock bottom I went on fad diets, shake systems, and even more dangerous medicinal and restrictive measures. It wasn't until I found my teacher and coach Rachel, that I finally started to have some confidence and control over my life. I am still a work in progress, but feel incredible thus far and can't wait to KEEP ON GOING!"

~ Robin D.

If you want to grasp the truth and confidence, learning from Rachel is the key.

I not only gained scientific knowledge that makes sense, but gained the confidence to believe these truths as well. Learn how to track what you eat, work out properly, and get rid of all the past lies that made you feel like a failure. It will finally change your relationship with food! Rachel is an excellent motivational teacher."

~ Tobie S.

The transformation over the last 12 weeks both outwardly and inwardly has been more than I could've ever hoped for!!

Finding Rachel was like finding a needle in the sh*t pile of trainers out there!!!"

~ Allison K.

For the last several years and particularly during the pandemic, food had become wrapped up in emotion.

The MindStrong Ignite program gave me the skills to take emotion out of it and enjoy food again. This program provides flexibility and workability in real life which is critical for long term success."

~ Amy

At 66 years old, I want to believe this will work, but, after decades of yo-yo-ing...I just don’t.

Over 35 pounds down while I eat the foods I LOVE. This works for everyone."

~ S.

I'm 53 and have always worked out and felt pretty healthy. My nutrition, however, is a different story! I took food to the next level during Covid and not in a good way!

I needed a program that allowed me to eat in a way that works for my lifestyle and was easy to manage. I joined to learn about nutrition and how macros work. My experience in Ignite was fantastic. Rachel is real, raw, kind, supportive and strong. She is everything I was looking for to help me understand my eating habits and how to stay in control. Her program is built for a lifestyle not a quick fix and if you do the work you will get results! I am now MindStrong!"

~ Leanne C.

These before/after pictures do not show my biggest success. My biggest “wins” have been the changes I have made in my attitude and mind.

I no longer beat myself up or say nasty things to myself inside my head. I love my body where it is and live life, even in a bathing suit! I understand my triggers and why I sabotage myself, and have the tools to work through it all. Despite family stress, Covid stress, closing my office/retiring, a diagnosis of breast cancer, and two weeks on vacation with my grandson on a food fest, I am wearing a size 10 instead of a 16, feeling more confident and knowing I will lose the last 20lbs counting macros. I can’t heap enough praise on this program enough."

~ Cindy

I'm writing this with tears in my eyes out of gratitude for this past year.

I look at food as a source of pleasure AND fuel because I no longer feel like it is the boss of me - I now know how to fuel my body with a good balance of nutritious and yummy food to keep this going for life. I have been living this way for 11 months now and I am so excited to keep going to this next phase of getting stronger and becoming even hotter (lol!). If you had told me before I had my 2 kids that I could look and FEEL like this after becoming a mom I would have laughed in your face. I love being wrong!"

~ Arielle D.

I’m through beating myself up and I’m learning each day to love myself more.

I started my coaching with Rachel in an attempt to better understand nutrition and how it would help me achieve my personal goals. I now understand macros much better. Don’t cheat yourself, learn the macros you need to transform your life. Thank you Rachel for giving me the tools to be successful and reach my goals."

~ John T.

I'm 57, so I thought I was just going to be "fluffy" for the rest of my life.

I had tried all the things-paleo, keto, south beach-and was desperate for some nutrition guidance. Now, I am loving the way I'm looking, the new lifestyle I have, and am relieved to have found MindStrong Fitness, Rachel, and the community of support she provides. To have control over my health and fitness is spilling over into other areas of my life: I'm taking better care of myself, and loving myself more. It's not just about the weight loss. It's about being healthy as I move into my older years, keeping up with my 5 grandchildren, and looking smoking hot at my daughter's wedding!"

~ Annette F.

I can’t tell you enough how awesome it is for me to be as strong as I am at my age, 52 and 5 kiddos!

I can still keep up with all of them and be an active part of their lives! I am humbled with such blessings, and you have helped me with that final piece that brought all my hard word to fruition...nutrition. I hadn’t a clue! Thanks, Rachel...I’m so glad you taught me to ‘fish!’"

~ Wendy B.


I was a little skeptical at first.

I figured it would be the same "you need to pay this much to look the way you want" marketing. I was so wrong. Rachel really cut out all the BS and I feel she educated me in the skills I need to make the changes for lasting results."

~ Allissa

The knowledge that Rachel has given me in kickstart was above and beyond!

Her vulnerability and TRUTH about all the BS that goes on in the industry is priceless ❤️"

~ Liz A.

If you want to get real information about the myths and the truths

of exercise, nutrition, supplements, mindset, just overall awesome health information, then join the Kickstart. Rachel is real and says it like it is. There's no fluff, just pure info! Truly enlightening and I recommend it for everyone!"

~ Kathy A.

I was always told "Don't eat that, it'll make you fat.

It has been traumatizing-so much so that I literally banned the word 'fat' in my house. I love the idea that I can eat food I want as long as it fits in my "nutrition budget." Who said we can't eat well and still lose weight? I can't wait to learn all the ins and outs of macros and the science that will speed up my metabolism and help me get back to healthy me again!"

~ Agi B.

If you want to grasp truth and confidence, come to kickstart

I not only gained scientific knowledge that makes sense, but gained the confidence to believe these truths as well. Learn how to track what you eat and get rid of all the past lies that made you feel like a failure. It will finally change your relationship with food!"

~ Tobie S.

I signed up for kickstart thinking this is another weight-loss gimmick.

Instead, Rachel caught my attention by calling out all the BS in the fitness industry! She even said you can eat donuts and lose weight! Guess what, she's not lying - I've lost 26 pounds total since being in the Mindstrong Fitness family and still enjoying the food I love."

~ Brittany W.

Rachel represents the apex of this field.

Her experience in instructing, coaching, and wellness really come together in teaching valuable and relevant material. I love using what I’ve learned for myself and for my clients!"

~ Jon S.

I'm a FitPro and my workouts are on point!

However, keeping nutrition in check is the key to success! Mindstrong Macros School was exactly what I needed to take my coaching to the next level."

~ Leanne C.

Rachel takes a complicated topic such as nutrition, exercise, or mindset and breaks it down into easily digestible bites.

Each bite comes with an action step that can be immediately taken. Her enthusiasm is contagious and it's obvious she truly cares for her clients and believes in everything she says and does."

~ Brian E.

Rachel is very straightforward, a call it like it is lady.

It was so nice to hear I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars a month on health products to lose weight. I also love her take on exercise, knowing that I can lose weight without it is nice, but knowing any little bit will help is also motivating. I found her handouts to be extremely helpful. Thank you, Rachel"

~ Wendy B.

Mindstrong is just what I needed!

It has inspired me to think about my health journey and what I could do to create healthy habits that are sustainable"

~ Tina D.

I was a little skeptical at first.

I figured it would be the same "you need to pay this much to look the way you want" marketing. I was so wrong. Rachel really cut out all the BS and I feel she educated me in the skills I need to make the changes for lasting results."

~ Allissa

The knowledge that Rachel has given me in kickstart was above and beyond!

Her vulnerability and TRUTH about all the BS that goes on in the industry is priceless ❤️"

~ Liz A.

If you want to get real information about the myths and the truths

of exercise, nutrition, supplements, mindset, just overall awesome health information, then join the Kickstart. Rachel is real and says it like it is. There's no fluff, just pure info! Truly enlightening and I recommend it for everyone!"

~ Kathy A.

I was always told "Don't eat that, it'll make you fat.

It has been traumatizing-so much so that I literally banned the word 'fat' in my house. I love the idea that I can eat food I want as long as it fits in my "nutrition budget." Who said we can't eat well and still lose weight? I can't wait to learn all the ins and outs of macros and the science that will speed up my metabolism and help me get back to healthy me again!"

~ Agi B.

If you want to grasp truth and confidence, come to kickstart

I not only gained scientific knowledge that makes sense, but gained the confidence to believe these truths as well. Learn how to track what you eat and get rid of all the past lies that made you feel like a failure. It will finally change your relationship with food!"

~ Tobie S.

I signed up for kickstart thinking this is another weight-loss gimmick.

Instead, Rachel caught my attention by calling out all the BS in the fitness industry! She even said you can eat donuts and lose weight! Guess what, she's not lying - I've lost 26 pounds total since being in the Mindstrong Fitness family and still enjoying the food I love."

~ Brittany W.

Rachel represents the apex of this field.

Her experience in instructing, coaching, and wellness really come together in teaching valuable and relevant material. I love using what I’ve learned for myself and for my clients!"

~ Jon S.

I'm a FitPro and my workouts are on point!

However, keeping nutrition in check is the key to success! Mindstrong Macros School was exactly what I needed to take my coaching to the next level."

~ Leanne C.

Rachel takes a complicated topic such as nutrition, exercise, or mindset and breaks it down into easily digestible bites.

Each bite comes with an action step that can be immediately taken. Her enthusiasm is contagious and it's obvious she truly cares for her clients and believes in everything she says and does."

~ Brian E.

Rachel is very straightforward, a call it like it is lady.

It was so nice to hear I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars a month on health products to lose weight. I also love her take on exercise, knowing that I can lose weight without it is nice, but knowing any little bit will help is also motivating. I found her handouts to be extremely helpful. Thank you, Rachel"

~ Wendy B.

Mindstrong is just what I needed!

It has inspired me to think about my health journey and what I could do to create healthy habits that are sustainable"

~ Tina D.


I had absolutely no intention of investing ANY money in yet another diet program. I realized quickly that MindStrong was far from a diet.

Throughout those 5-days, I vividly remember saying over and over again…”how have I never thought of it this way - everything she says is so logical!” As a very analytical person, I was drawn to the way Rachel made everything just make sense! That was just the start. Her entire program is so eye opening and the group and coaches are extremely supportive. I didn’t invest in another diet program, but I did invest in MYSELF and haven’t looked back. MindStrong has helped me look at food in a whole new way and has given me the tools to take complete control of my health while maintaining MY lifestyle."

~ Fallon

I’m confident in saying the experience has been the most gratifying and uplifting program that I have ever been involved with.

Not only have I lost 25lbs., I have gained so much internal strength! This program has taught me how to eat in a way that I can sustain, while still fitting in the foods that I love. The mindset portion of the program has allowed me to take control of so many other areas of my life as well – work, personal relationships, finances, my relationship with food – they are all interwoven. With these tools and education, I am taking the steps to become the “ME” that I want to be. I’m learning to be my “BEST COACH” and build the habits that will serve me best. MindStrong is TRUTH with a capital “T”!

~ Kim F.

MindStrong has changed my life. I have learned and overcome obstacles that held me back, such as fear, doubt and mentally beating myself up!!

The nutrition, support and education that I gained has helped me succeed in all aspects of my life. Wish i had MindStrong 30 years ago!!! I am 57 and feeling the best i have in a long time and to boot i reached my weight that i was 24 years ago. Nutrition is the key to success!!! Trust this program and yourself and you will not fail."

~ Ronnie F.

Overall so much has changed!

Self-esteem, self-image, confidence, improved focus - the list goes on! I'm so grateful to be on this journey with the MindStrong fam!"

~ Brandi S.

I had absolutely no intention of investing ANY money in yet another diet program. I realized quickly that MindStrong was far from a diet.

Throughout those 5-days, I vividly remember saying over and over again…”how have I never thought of it this way - everything she says is so logical!” As a very analytical person, I was drawn to the way Rachel made everything just make sense! That was just the start. Her entire program is so eye opening and the group and coaches are extremely supportive. I didn’t invest in another diet program, but I did invest in MYSELF and haven’t looked back. MindStrong has helped me look at food in a whole new way and has given me the tools to take complete control of my health while maintaining MY lifestyle."

~ Fallon

I’m confident in saying the experience has been the most gratifying and uplifting program that I have ever been involved with.

Not only have I lost 25lbs., I have gained so much internal strength! This program has taught me how to eat in a way that I can sustain, while still fitting in the foods that I love. The mindset portion of the program has allowed me to take control of so many other areas of my life as well – work, personal relationships, finances, my relationship with food – they are all interwoven. With these tools and education, I am taking the steps to become the “ME” that I want to be. I’m learning to be my “BEST COACH” and build the habits that will serve me best. MindStrong is TRUTH with a capital “T”!

~ Kim F.

MindStrong has changed my life. I have learned and overcome obstacles that held me back, such as fear, doubt and mentally beating myself up!!

The nutrition, support and education that I gained has helped me succeed in all aspects of my life. Wish i had MindStrong 30 years ago!!! I am 57 and feeling the best i have in a long time and to boot i reached my weight that i was 24 years ago. Nutrition is the key to success!!! Trust this program and yourself and you will not fail."

~ Ronnie F.

Overall so much has changed!

Self-esteem, self-image, confidence, improved focus - the list goes on! I'm so grateful to be on this journey with the MindStrong fam!"

~ Brandi S.